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  • Kimberly Zavera

Thoughts In My Final Semester

This semester feels like the beginning of the end. It's almost been a month and I already have had countless thoughts and emotions swarming in my mind. It's strange for me to think that in a few months it'll be the first time that I won't be a full-time student. Some of my thoughts are about what my life will be like while others are about university and how I am closing that chapter in my life soon. There is a lot to be excited about once spring comes, but also a lot that I need to mentally prepare myself for. If you're interested to know my thoughts in my final semester, keep reading!

Here's some context before I dive into my thoughts:

» I am a student at Thompson Rivers University in Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada

» I am getting a bachelor's degree in communications and marketing

» I moved away from home to attend university

» I entered university immediately after high school

more info on me: LinkedIn

Even though earning an undergraduate degree isn't as long as earning a Doctor of Medicine or PhD in Law, it is still four years dedicated to school. It didn't feel long in my first few years as a student, but at the start of my fourth year, I was lacking motivation. In addition to taking courses every fall and winter semester, I took courses during the last two summers to be able to graduate on-time. It's very easy for me to have the mentality that life = school. I've never been the type of person that settles with simply passing courses. I always want to learn and show how much I've learned. That comes with more time being spent on assignments and studying, but on the positive side it's taught me how to have self-discipline.

When I think about all the semesters I've had, not once did I feel (in the moment) that it was flying by. There was always homework being assigned each week that kept me busy and the last few weeks of each semester was always hectic. Hectic with studying, finishing group projects, and practicing for presentations. Despite that, when I look back at it all... it's one big blur. Since the start of January, I've had countless thoughts about just how unusual it is that I'm graduating this year.

I've learned a lot that comes from simply being a university student. University takes a lot of discipline. Yes, you get to choose what program you take and your upper-level electives, but there are still required courses you have to take. This sort of discipline really tests your ability to look at the "bigger picture". If you don't fix your mindset, you really won't take a required course you find boring or irrelevant, and as a result, either not graduate or prolong graduating. Being a student has made me learn to work towards long-term goals that still, to this day, hasn't provided me satisfaction. It's different than being employed and receiving that sweet satisfaction of getting each pay cheque. I will feel a sense of accomplishment when 1) I complete the last exam of my last class, and 2) cross the stage at my graduation ceremony.

I'm a university student at Thompson Rivers University. The amount of times I've said that over the years is too much to count! It's been a huge aspect of my identity and my life for years. I entered university immediately after high school, so being in school has been a big part of my life for as long as I can remember. When I think about who I was when I first started and who I am now, there's similarities of course, but also major differences. I was a teenager back then and was new to living on my own. Now, I feel like a genuine adult and know myself so much more.

The one word I'd use to describe how I feel about entering the job market and working full-time is nerve-wracking. I've had internships in the past two years, but there was always a defined start and end date. From what I've learned in my classes and experienced in the workplace, I think a career in content marketing/branding is perfect for me. Even so, worries and fears take over my mind sometimes. All I am truly striving for is to be great in my career and feel joy from what I do.

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